What Is NCR Printing?

In all business transactions it is important to have official records of what has been exchanged and between whom – most businesses generate and retain physical documentation of the details of transactions between the business and its customers. The traditional – and simplest form – of these records was produced by issuing an invoice and a reciprocal receipt, using carbon paper books or pads – whilst an often ‘cumbersome’ and somewhat ‘messy’ process, this was an accepted, and effective, sales tool. There is now a more professional and effective form of this process – NCR printing!

The term NCR refers to No Carbon Required – this is a form, notebook, or pad in which the individual sheets of paper has been treated with a special coating which reacts to the pressure of a pen, thus creating clean, clear duplicate copies. These forms are produced as NCR Pads or sets – they are easy-to-use, practical business documents that can provide instant copies and records of transactions of differing nature, thus saving valuable administration effort and time.

How NCR Pads Work

When you write on the top copy of an NCR sheet it automatically reproduces the same image on the subsequent sheets beneath. The back of the first sheet of paper is coated with a micro-encapsulated dye – referred to as a CB sheet (coated black) – whilst the bottom sheet has its front surface coated with a clay that reacts with the top-sheet dye – this is a CF sheet (coated front). Any sheets in between are coated both front and back with the relevant substance to produce extra copies – these sheets are referred to as CFB sheets – coated front and back. NCR pads are usually produced in 2, 3 or 4-part sets which are glued together to create an NCR book, where one of the NCR copies is fastened to the book ensuring that all your file copies are kept together in one place. These pads provide physical hard copies of each individual transaction, making them instant and valuable referable records of the business performed and are a proven, reliable form of accurate record-keeping.

NCR Pads

Most businesses use 2 Part or 3 Part NCR pads, but they can be produced with more copies if required. The pads are often available in a range of colours to easily distinguish which party of the transaction receives which colour as their official record of the business completed. NCR pads are produced in different sets which are then glued together to create an NCR book, where one of the NCR copies is fastened to the book ensuring that all your file copies are kept together in one place. Usually produced in books or pads of 50’s, the pads include a stiff ‘backboard’ and a ‘writing shield’ that is inserted beneath the bottom copy of an individual set to avoid transfer to multiple sets in error. Once a set is written, it is detached and the copies distributed accordingly, and the pad is available for the next transaction. They can be sequentially numbered, hole punched and perforated for easy use. NCR printing provides businesses with an easy, cost-effective way to track and record any transaction with a fully co-ordinated, accurate paper-trail that can save businesses valuable time and money in administration issues. Ordering NCR books makes storage of the items easier and is more cost effective to produce and print. 

NCR Sets

As an alternative to having NCR sheets printed and compiled in booklet form, you can opt for the less expensive form of NCR printing and order individual NCR sets – like the pad entries, they consist of 2, 3, 4 or even 5-parts all glued together to form one individual set. Again, as with the pads, they can be numbered, hole-punched, and perforated for whatever your business requires.

Uses For NCR Pads

NCR pads are extremely versatile and used in many areas of business – the primary use of NCR pads is in creating instant copies for all parties of invoices and receipts. The NCR document records all details of the transaction – the item sold, the date and price and, in some instances, which employee has performed the transaction. The relevant coloured copies are retained by both the seller and purchaser. Likewise, NCR receipts provide the “mirror” document of the invoice – wherever an invoice is issued there will be a requirement for a receipt which contains the same information as the invoice. The receipt is issued after the transaction is complete as opposed to the invoice which is issued prior to the business taking place. Both documents provide accurate, corresponding records used in accounting to track and evidence sales transactions to verify the business completed.

Other Uses

Most commonly used in industries such as Hospitality, Retail and Catering, there are many other forms of NCR printing than simple receipts and invoices. Other business transactions that lend themselves to NCR printing include Delivery Notes, Legal Documents for Terms and Conditions, Gas Safety Records, School and Workplace Accident Report Forms, Hazardous Waste Notes and they are even used as notebooks for meetings, rent books and other forms of transactions.